Seven Seconds

Written by Betty Monroe

Did you know that it takes the average person seven seconds before forming a first impression of another?

After more than 2 1/2 years of working virtually and figuring out "Zoom rooms" and the like, I was surprised to find that so many people are still struggling with appearing as professional as they should when meeting virtually.

In recently speaking with a very accomplished sales leader, well-respected published author, and Keynote Speaker in great demand, I was rather shocked to learn that in this person's opinion, some 70% of sales professionals and others he works with or has encountered recently would get a letter grade of "C" in the virtual aesthetics department. Which means that people are trying, sort of. That said, is "sort of" really good enough?

By now, we all know the basics… Pajamas are a no-no. Wear a clean and appropriate shirt (i.e. a concert T-shirt is likely, not appropriate unless you are in a meeting with a music producer!), and for heaven’s sake, don't sit on your bed with your laptop literally on your lap!

So, what are we missing here? Many people are still riding the proverbial "struggle bus" in regard to such things as how to light themselves, what background to use, how to frame themselves on screen, and a lack of knowing the importance of their visible surroundings being authentic and true to who they are.

Here are some simple changes you can make:

  • Make sure you are clearly lit and can be seen.
  • Dress professionally and appropriately in clothing that makes you feel good!
  • Make sure what can be seen in your background is a direct reflection of YOU. This can be a GREAT conversation starter when networking or meeting new prospects!
  • Set up your camera/monitor so your eye line is comfortable and you are facing the camera, not in profile. Even though we cannot look each other in the literal eyes, we can still be focused on the speaker.
  • Be prepared and on time, and by that, I mean at least 2-3 minutes early to the meeting room.
  • Make sure that WHERE you are set up is clear of clutter and comfortable for you.

Yes, we are going hybrid, and meeting virtually may be happening somewhat less frequently for a few of us, but (and I repeat!) IT IS NOT GOING AWAY. By now, we all see that.

Going back to in-person is wonderful when it can be so, but meeting virtually in order to build relationships is also a pretty amazing tool to have if you master it, which takes time, learning, and practice.

Take these tips into account, and see what happens when you make even the smallest of changes! I am certain your "C" can become an "A" in no time!

Betty Monroe

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